Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage for Father and Son Struck by Bicyclist
The attorneys at Walker, Hamilton & Koenig, LLP achieved a pre-litigation settlement on behalf of a father and his six-year-old son who were injured by a bicyclist as they walked across the street to Game 1 of the 2012 World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Detroit Tigers in San Francisco. On October 24, 2012, our clients waited at the northeast corner of King and Second along with other fans until the light changed to green, and a crossing guard motioned for them to proceed. At the same time, a bicyclist, heading west on King, inexplicably sped up when the light facing him turned red, and proceeded to pedal forward and directly into our clients as they walked toward AT&T Park.
The impact threw the father more than eight feet, causing him to lose contact with his four-year-old son, who he found lying underneath the crushed bike, distraught and crying. While the father eventually recovered from his injuries, his son suffered from periodic bouts of vomiting and excruciating stomach pain for almost eight months before he was finally diagnosed with a traumatically-induced obstruction of the left kidney. The condition mandated surgery and requires continual monitoring.