Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

San Francisco Sexual Abuse Attorneys

Compassionate Support and Vigorous Pursuit of Justice

A National Center for Policy Analysis study showed that 15 out of 16 rapists never go to jail. This may be in part because many assaults are never reported. It may also be because many rape survivors do not know their rights, especially if they were assaulted by someone in a position of power such as a teacher, priest, boss or physician. The perpetrators may have support from the school, church, workplace, etc., and receive legal counsel. The victims need representation to fight back.

Walker, Hamilton & Koenig, LLP provides representation to sexual assault victims of all ages. Depending on the specifics of your case, we may be able to file a civil suit against the perpetrator. Even if you did not press criminal charges, a civil suit may be possible. This is one way to hold the attacker accountable for his or her actions. Please call our office or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our San Francisco sexual abuse lawyers.

The Need for Compensation

Sexual assault survivors often experience physical and mental disorders after the assault. Common issues include sleep disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, self-injury, suicide, personality disorders, sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. Survivors need immediate and long-term medical care to address their physical and emotional injuries. Some people suffer anxiety and social withdrawal, making it impossible to work or attend school. The costs of these losses can be considerable.

Child Sexual Assault Cases

A U.S. Department of Justice study reports that 44 percent of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 18. Minors are at risk for sexual assault from adults whom they are supposed to trust such as:

  • Clergy
  • Teachers and coaches in public and private schools
  • Childcare providers
  • Scout troop leaders
  • Family members and neighbors

Children with special needs are especially vulnerable because they may not understand that they are being abused, they may have trouble clearly communicating the abuse to others and may be unable to defend themselves physically. In addition, they have more contact with caregivers/caretakers. One study found that more than 40 percent of people with developmental disabilities were sexually abused by someone involved in the person's daily care. Adults and caregivers are not the only perpetrators, however. A lack of supervision in the classroom can result in special needs children being abused by other children.

Adult Sexual Assault Cases

Adults can also be assaulted by people in positions of power as well as peers and strangers. Adult rape is frequently committed by:

  • Bosses and co-workers
  • Doctors and psychiatrists
  • Nursing home staff or other caregivers
  • Law enforcement personnel

Our attorneys also have experience with sexual assault cases involving premises liability/negligent security issues. In these cases, the assault was made possible in part by the negligence of a property owner. Poor lighting, lack of security cameras and systems, broken locks and other negligence can foster an environment that makes people vulnerable to crime. We may be able to hold the property owner accountable and seek compensation.

Contact a Sexual Abuse Lawyer in San Francisco

To schedule a free consultation, please call us today.


Sexual Abuse by Priest


Sexual Assault Follows School's Failure to Supervise

Jul, 122020

Sexual Abuse by Priest

$1,800,000 settlement for victim of sexual abuse by a priest

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Jul, 132020

Sexual Assault Follows School’s Failure to Supervise

The attorneys at WHK reached a $750,000 settlement on behalf of a minor client who was sexually abused by another student while on a school trip. The settlement was negotiated with San Rafael City Schools, who WHK alleged failed to supervise its students when it placed the client in a cabin with other students known to bully him and did not assign any adult to supervise the cabin. In May 2012, WHK’s client traveled with his eighth grade class

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